
    Get Your Music Distributed on Time: Holiday Deadlines 2023

    The end of the year is coming. Are your releases ready? Not only are the last six weeks of the year the busiest time to release music, many shops and streaming platforms are closed or have limited support during the winter holidays. If you have releases planned in December or early January, take a look at the deadlines and tips below to make sure your release plan goes, well, according to plan.

    In creating these deadlines, we’ve taken the deadlines set by the stores and added a few days to conduct a quality assurance check, process, and send your tracks to the stores and platforms. Please bear in mind that these are hard deadlines. That means your release has to meet the release requirements, with the music uploaded in the proper format, the album artwork approved, and everything submitted by this date. Also, if there are problems with the quality of your release or we don’t have everything we need when you submit, your release might not make store or platform deadlines — so submit early!



    Zottiebanks says (Nov 10, 2023):

    I uploaded a song titled “ONE BOY” by “WEST MANNIE” I uploaded it on the 27th of October 2023 and set the release date to be today November 10th 2023 but the song is yet to be out.