
    Developing Your Artist Career

    There are many decisions to make when deciding on the people that will help you make your mark in the Music Industry. You may think it’s premature, but it is wise to know what to look for in the people you choose. It takes a team to make it happen and the choices you make can add to your success or cause serious problems. The anchor of the team is a manager. Your manager can help you do research and check on the credentials and skill-sets of all potential team members. 


    When to form your team depends on where you stand in your career and the vision of your career. If you are active on social media, playing shows every weekend and you have a wide publicity this is the ideal time where you need to form a development team for your career to help ease pressure. tart your team by selecting a manager to help you accelerate your progress. A manager can help with the day to day and advise you on when it is time to add new members. A manager is the most important part of your team, besides you, the artist.


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